Halaka The Laws Of The Universe Page 2
The Transition
The renovation Todd had been working on was nearing a completion, Todd had received a call from a major contractor, they wanted him to travel to Ga. to a power plant there and perform his duty as a pipefitter. Todd was sad, but he had to prepare for the road again, the economy had not been good for Americans since the signing of NAFTA. There were hardly any good paying jobs anywhere, so Todd traveled to insure his family the best he could provide for them. The Halakah would sit for several years in the storage room underneath the stairwell in a closet.
One day while at work Todd was discussing mathematic measurements with an engineer named Leon; Todd was a foreman for the Co. from time to time the foreman had questions for the engineer to make the necessary revisions on design build projects. The bureaucracy of revisions was a headache to say the least, but necessary as well. After an hour or so of beating the blueprints and revising the Iso’s and Ortho's, the engineer said: These rough sketches should be sufficient, I’ll send them in to the main office for approval first thing tomorrow, Todd smiled and shook his hand, and made a funny comment: I'll bet the Jews had to go through the same thing when they built the pyramids in Egypt. What? Wait, what did you say? The engineer replied. Todd said: I’m just kidding, I was referring to the bureaucracy we have to go through to get a revision made. The engineer/Leon said: No I mean what you said about the Jews. Todd said: Ok, you want to know why I think the Jews built them don’t you? Leon; with a startled look on his face replied: Yes. Todd commenced filling his ears with theories of his own, the engineer was never so happy to hear that a commoner like Todd had contemplated what the world of engineers ponder day in and day out. Leon then replied with his own ideas. As another hour had passed, the bell sounded that indicated the shift was over. The engineer closed his book and said: This has certainly been a very interesting day, I've enjoyed meeting you and talking with you. Todd replied: Yes sir I’m glad to have met you as well.
Later that night Leon phoned his brother James who was an Architect for the same outfit, telling him of the conversation with the Foreman named Todd, he proceeded to tell him how the commoner believed the Jews built the pyramids with their master knowledge of math and science. The brother James makes a hump sound, and asks: Does this young man have any credentials? Leon replied: I'm not sure, but I'll find out. James said: You know how many times you and I have argued over this? I hope this isn’t your way of bringing up the same old argument. Leon insisted: No this guy brought this up on his own, I just thought you would like to know his theory was closer to what you believe, without going into too many details. James replied: Encourage the youngster and I'll talk to you later, Goodbye" Leon said Goodbye as well.
The next day Leon brought his little sketch book of how he thought the Egyptians built the pyramids, in his briefcase just in case he saw Todd, but he didn’t see Todd and was itching to share his theories in detail. His brother wasn’t interested in discussing it anymore; Todd had renewed the dream of unraveling the mysteries as with most highly educated people. Leon called Todd on the two-way and asked him to come by his office before he left. Todd entered the door and said to Leon: Let me guess, you want to talk about the pyramids, with a smile. Leon grinned and said: Yea I brought some sketches that I drew a long time ago, to show you. Todd glancing over them replied: Uh hum, typical theories of a book smart man, Leon being intrigued by the comment said: What do you mean by that? Todd replied: Leon it never ceases to amaze me how the highly educated tend to think inside the box, look at your drawings, they are sketches of how a book smart man would counter-lever a heavy object, and how one would build dirt ramps up the side of the pyramid, I've seen these theories a thousand times. But if you were to think outside the box, how would you do it? Rather than following the guidelines of your predecessors, use your own ideas and imagination. Then draw a new set of sketches. Leon replied: They didn’t have the technology to do what I can, Todd smiled and said: Again you are thinking like your predecessors taught you to think. You know that we still today don’t have a way to pick up some of those stones, right? So if they did it. They had to have technology, obviously they had more technology than we have, look I admire your education and your achievements in life, but if you want to have a chance to uncover the mystery, you cannot follow the ideas of men who have failed to do so. So go back and draw a new set of sketches, and show me how you think we would build it today, with our technology. Keep in mind; we don’t have anything to pick up items that big, so you will have to use your imagination. Leon thought about what had just been said with lowered eye brows, after a minute he threw his book down and said: You know what, you’re right I hate to admit it, but you’re right. I'm going to re-evaluate all my prior theories. Todd smiled and headed toward the door and said: I'll see ya later; let me know how it all works out. Leon replied: Ok goodbye. Leon however was a little irritated by the common since that Todd had displayed and actually was undecided how he felt about what just happened, he thought that his drawings would impress Todd, but instead kind of irritated him. Leon didn't know quite what to think of this guy. He thought to himself this is just a foreman with less education than me why or how can he just speak and think freely like that? Without considering what others think or have learned. Leon was puzzled at Todd’s attitude on things concerning the pyramids.
Todd however had not even a second thought about the conversation as he went back to his hotel, he was studying math every night, his job called for him to do math most of the day. He wanted to stay ahead of the agenda at his job; he liked to have the equations figured out for the next day, before the men on the job needed help. He found it much easier to explain if he had already worked out the math ahead of time.
A week went by and Todd hadn’t heard anything back from Leon, so he decided to swing by his office before the end of the day to see how he was doing. Leon was sitting back in his chair with his feet up on the table looking out the window, he said: How are you?
Todd replied: I’m good how about you?
Leon answered: Good I've been thinking about some things, especially about what you said, and I've come to the conclusion, that I’m 60 yrs old and I've never thought outside of the box as you put it. Todd interrupted with: Excuse me sir, I'm 43 and by no means did I mean to insinuate that I’m smarter than you in anyway.
Leon replied: You are smarter in a way. You think for yourself without any influence of others, I admire that about you. Being a younger man and lower position in the Company, you don’t let others over you influence your own thinking that is a trait of a natural born leader. I’ve put in a referral for you to be promoted.
Todd with raised eye brows said: Sir Thank You, for seeing my qualities, I was afraid you were upset with me, and may have thought I was a bit arrogant, I came by to see if I should apologize, if I had made you feel that way.
Leon answered: Absolutely not; I’m happy that you speak your mind, otherwise I myself would not have opened my eyes to what I've been doing. Actually you’ve taught an old dog a new trick. Todd asked: What new trick? Leon answered: The art of thinking outside the box, I’ve Began a new set of sketches, but haven’t gotten very far, I’ve thrown away at least one hundred attempts. Todd laughed and said: The art? You know I’ve not looked at it that way, but I like it. I don’t want to keep you, I better be going, Thank you for the referral and I'll see
ya later. Leon said: Goodbye. Several weeks went by with Todd and Leon just waving occasionally, not much conversation to any extent. The Company threw a luncheon for the workers. There Todd ran into Leon and asked: How are the sketches going? Leon Smiled and replied: You know I'd like to invite you over to my house for dinner one night on the weekend. Todd agreed to Saturday eve. Leon informed him; that his wife is an awesome cook, and they would be having anything Todd would like. Todd said: Anything but pork, I don’t eat pork. Leon asked: Why is that?
Todd replied: Well....it’s just not good for you. Leon accepted Todd’s answer although he really thought to himself; this guy is full of surprises. Leon said: How about pot-roast do you like that? Todd answered: Oh yea, by the way; let me get Your phone number and address I’ll see ya on Sat. Leon wrote down his info and told Todd: I’ll see you on Sat. Todd replied: Thank you I’ll be there.
Saturday evening came and Todd showed up at Leon’s with an old book he had found on the internet, he offered it to Leon as a gift to show his appreciation as a friend, Leon said: I'll read it but I cannot accept it permanently. You’re too kind. Todd bowed his head as Leon’s wife entered the room introducing herself as Monett; Leon has told me all about you, and I must say, he sure has been acting different since he met you. He seems like he’s twenty years old again in here studying, he hasn’t been rambling like this for 10 years. As she laughed, Todd smiled and replied: I’m glad to meet you. After dinner Leon is hastily throwing dishes in the sink to help with the details of the dinner table. Todd was admiring the house which Leon and his brother James designed and built. Todd told him: I like your house; it is very large and nice. Leon said: Thank you, now let’s retire to my study. They walked down the hall to a set of double doors on the left; Todd noticed when Leon opened the doors that he was a bookworm also. The walls were covered with book shelves, they had something in common which was good; the aura was one of anticipation. Todd held his tongue he waited on the older and patient Leon to speak first, Leon pulled out a book of Archeology of Egypt, and laid it out on one of the many tables. And asked Todd: Before I show you my sketches, can I ask you to tell me your theory of how they got those heavy stones off the ground and stacked to build the pyramids? Todd replied: Sure, that’s easy I have no theory I’ve never contemplated or cared. Leon sat down and replied: You’ve got to be kidding me, what was all the outside of the box talk about then. Todd replied: Sir with all due respect, inside the box is where all small minded people live, you seemed to be looking for an answer, and I just wanted you to look outside the box, because obviously your answer wasn’t inside the box, or someone else would have discovered it already. Leon said: Would you like a drink? Pulling open the bar door. Todd replied: No Sir I quit drinking awhile back, but Thank You. Leon said: It’s been awhile for me also but I just don’t know what to make of you yet. You just flipped my lid again. I need a drink. Todd laughing replied: What now? Leon turned up the bourbon and replied: I don’t know you very well, but I can tell you’re one of a kind, I like you. Please have a seat.
Todd said: Thank you, and sat looking at the book on the table, Leon poured another drink and downed it. Then poured himself another and leaned back and lit up a cigar, he offered Todd one too. But Todd refused as he would rather just smoke a cigarette instead. While the two puff for a minute, Todd tried to hold back as he felt the old man has something on his mind. He didn’t want to prolong or distract the topic either so he waited on Leon to startup the chat, two minutes went by and Leon said: Well I’m dumbfounded, I was going to show you my sketches, I was under the impression that you also had a passion as to the technique that the pyramids were built, but as you just said you’ve never cared about it. So I assume it’s a waste of time, would you care to talk about anything else? Todd replied: Sir I did say that, but I didn’t say that I wasn’t interested in your sketches; I merely answered your question about my theory. I would like to see the difference in your thinking now through your sketches. Leon pulled out the folder and proceeded to pull out several drawings and pass them across the table to Todd, Todd looked at several sketches in silence, the old man Leon just thought to himself, (what will come out of this young man’s mouth next) Todd thought to himself, like his father taught him to use prudence. (How will I say anything now not to offend this man who has even nominated me for a promotion?) Todd said carefully: Sir, these are the drawings of a madman, this is exactly what drawings outside the box look like, Einstein was also thought to be mad, but we know now that he was a genius. Now since we don’t know for sure, we can only assume the possibility. I’ve been in construction hands on for 25 yrs, and I think you have imagined a reasonable and unique way to lift a heavy object without thinking like the others before you. That was my only objective in what I told you in the office that first day I met you. Leon half way smiling said: Son how did I know you would come up with something so clever, in the predicament you were just in, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with so much wisdom. You should remind me of a son that I wish I had, but instead you remind me of my Father, who was also very bright. Todd said: Sir I am but a lonely pipefitter with very little education. I don’t think I am very wise, if you think so, then I must have deceived you; and for that I am sorry. Leon interrupted with a slight slap on the table: No you haven’t deceived me, you may not be highly educated but you have more common since than most scholars I know. I had my head stuck up my rear end for 60 yrs and you of all people helped me to pull it out, now I'm thinking more clearly, I think on my own, as if you placed a spell on me. It’s almost like magic. My wife even noticed me acting different. I’m not shocked at your meekness either, I’m sure your parents are very proud of you. I told my wife the other day, if we had kids I would wish for a son like you. Todd with a confused look on his face flipped the page, and said: Thank You Sir. As he flipped another page he noticed a picture of mosaic artwork, he sat up and said to Leon, do you know anything about these mosaics? (With a renewed interest in his voice) Leon leaned forward and looked, he replied: I know a little about them, they were something of a hobby to the Jewish people, hold on I’ve got another book somewhere with more pictures and information on them, as Leon got up, he asked: Do the mosaics interest you? Todd replied: Yes I’m intrigued by the designs. Leon said: I wouldn’t expect anything less of you. As he pulled a book down and says: Here it is. He brought it to the table and gave it to Todd, Todd replied: Thank You. Leon asked: Are you sure you won’t have a drink with me? Todd replied: You know what, I think I will. Leon said: Only in the belly is fine liquor any good, while he pours up two more rounds... Monett, sneaky as a fox; was peering into a crack on the edge of the opened door, she had been listening to them go on for 15 minutes. She remembered what Leon said about the younger man, she knew Leon wanted a son but he couldn’t produce any children. She had joy inside that Leon had found a friend whom he looked at like a son. She wondered to herself how life would have been around the house if they had any children. As she was watching the two go on about uselessness in their books. She giggled and Leon heard her, she noticed him
looking at the door, so she said: Anyone for dessert? (As she showed herself...) Todd said: No Thank You, the dinner was great and my stomach is full. Leon also refused, and then Monett knew Leon had indeed found a love for this young man, because Leon never turned down dessert. Ok; she replied on her way out, smiling all the while. As Todd was flipping through the book that Leon had pulled out, He noticed something familiar with one of the mosaics, He mentioned to Leon about the Halaka instrument that he purchased awhile back, one of the mosaics in the book looked something like one of the designs on the instrument. Leon seemed to have no knowledge of the instrument as Todd described it, they continued to chat about the mystery behind the whole Middle East, Todd asked: Why is it that, the whole civilization of the Egyptians seemed to have just disappeared off the face of the planet, with no records anywhere about them? Leon raised his eye brows and replied: That’s one of the wonders of the world. Todd said: I find it very strange that nobody around Egypt knew how to decipher the hieroglyphics, nobody anywhere, we know they were a wealthy and somewhat famous people, it just doesn’t make since to me. Leon agreed and suggested that Todd keep the book that he was looking at, Todd agreed getting up from his chair thanked him for the book and dinner and said he needs to get back to the hotel. The sun was setting and Todd was back at the hotel, looking through the book that Leon gave him. Todd noticed the mosaic that looked somewhat similar to the mosaic inlaid on the instrument he bought, he decided to call his Uncle Tommy and ask him if he knew anything about the mosaics, Uncle Tommy said he thought they are something to do with math, and that geometry was used to make them. But he wasn’t sure if that’s true. Todd decided to go to the local temple where the Jews go to on Friday eve. He found a gentleman in the parking lot, looking through his trunk of his car. Todd asked the man: Sir can I ask you a few questions about Jewish history, do you have time? The man replied: Yes if it doesn’t take too long. Todd proceeded to pull out the Halaka and the Jewish man was instantly drawn to the inlay as he asked: Where did you get this? Todd replied: On eBay auctions, The Jew said: This probably should be in a Jewish museum somewhere as the maker of this was a famous man and it survived the holocaust.... Todd immediately asked: What do these mosaics mean? The Jewish man was not offering any more info only to say: How much would you take for this instrument? Todd replied: It’s not for sale Sir, I only want to find out about it. The Jewish man offered Todd 500.00 Todd laughed and said absolutely not Sir it’s not for sale. The Jewish man offered again 1,000.00 Todd replied while closing the case: No sir it’s not for sale. The Jewish man puts his hand on the case and offers 10,000.00! Todd shocked raised his eye brows and replied: Sir I appreciate your offers but I’m not interested in selling it for any amount. The Jewish man said: Why are you so interested in an item you know nothing about? Todd replied: Sir once I fell in love with this instrument, I was determined I would spend whatever it took to obtain it, I didn't buy it to resell it. The Jewish man asked: Can I get your number? I’m sure the other member of our church would like to see this instrument maybe even make you a better offer, one that may change your mind. Todd replied; while writing down his phone number: Sir I don’t mind showing them this instrument but please let them know I'm not interested in the least bit in selling it. The Jewish man smiled and replied: Money has a way of convincing people; we will see how much the committee would like to offer. Todd shrugging his shoulders said: Sir Thank you so much for your time and the info you gave me, I'll be on my way now; while loading his instrument. Todd waved as he left. The Jewish man was astonished at the fact, this Anglo-Saxon wouldn't accept money for the instrument as he had always assumed money is what any man treasured most, so he convinced himself the right amount of money will change Todd’s mind.
The following day, The Jewish man called, but Todd didn't answer, so the Jewish man left a message requesting that he call back at his earliest convenience. Todd was hesitant to return the call as he felt the only reason they were calling was to try to purchase the Halaka which Todd wasn't interested in selling for any amount, although he was intrigued as to why the Jewish man offered 10,000 and made insinuations to more in the event the others in his temple decided to make another offer. Todd wondered now just what had he purchased and why was this person so adamantly bent on buying it. Todd called his Uncle again informing him of the conversation with the Jewish man. His Uncle Tommy replied: You better hold on to it, it must be worth a lot of money. If he offered you 10,000 it must be worth a million. Laughing, But Todd was not amused; he was worried that the Jewish man will try to do something besides offer since he mentioned it should be in a museum. Tommy urged Todd to insure the instrument for 50,000 just in case something happened to it. Todd agreed and did so the following day.
After suffering the bill for 50k worth of insurance on the instrument; Todd wondered if he should keep the instrument at the bank vault, rather than pay insurance on the instrument that will be kept at his home where thieves or fire could take it. But more so bothersome to Todd was the reality that the instrument he fell in love with was very special to the Jewish people who by the way were Todd's favorite people as Todd was raised a Christian and studied world religion. That’s when he found out that Christianity actually came from the Jewish Belief. Although Todd was raised as a Christian, he had converted to the Jewish belief. Todd's Uncle Tommy called and said he has a friend at the local UNC University, he had spoke to him to see if he would meet with them to discuss the instrument, he had agreed to Friday afternoon, Todd had found two more messages on his phone from the Jewish man. Todd was highly anticipating the meeting just two days away, he had to leave early from work on Friday, to drive home three hours away in order to make the meeting with the professor.
Friday afternoon had came and Todd found himself a little uneasy about the mixed reactions he got from the Jewish man, He was anxious to meet the Professor from UNC, He picked up Uncle talk-a lot Tommy who chatted and nudged Todd’s arm every other word, which was a bit of a nuisance. Todd told Tommy: You don’t have you hit my arm to get my attention, I'm right here; I’ve only told you that 7 million times. But Tommy was an old dog with old habits that are hard to break and Todd knew it will never change. Nevertheless the drive ended at a long driveway to a beautiful house on Lake Wylie, N.C. Todd loved the water; his uncle had land on several lakes. They both had boats in which they traveled up and down Lake Wylie, Tommy said: We could’ve got here in our boats" Todd replied: I’d never chance putting this Halaka in a boat. The professor met them at the door, Tommy introduced them then he headed straight to the basement where he loved indulging in the professor’s collection of antiques. The professor known as Zack, offered his hand in the direction behind Tommy for Todd to follow, Zack asked Todd where he got the instrument, Todd replied: eBay, obviously for a steal of a deal, the guy didn’t even know what it was, he had purchased it when he cleaned out someone’s garage he got all the contents for his labor of cleaning it out and hauling it off. He had it listed as a zither/dulcimer, which it is close but no cigar. Zack said: Set it here and let’s see what you've got, pointing to a table, Todd laid the oddly shaped case on the table and opened the latch. When Zack saw it’ his eyes popped wide open, and said: Holy cow, I've seen these in books but not with mosaic inlay. Looking even closer Zack said: These off white piece are more than likely ivory, this is absolutely incredible. Tommy overhearing Zack walked over
and said: Well what do you think? Zack shaking his head replied: I'll be honest, I sure didn’t expect to see this, this is an absolute treasure for sure, judging by the looks its very old, it has the original case, its inlaid with ivory mosaics front and back, whoever owned this was very important and wealthy. And so are you Todd, now that you’re the owner. Todd smiling said: lol I'm neither wealthy nor important but I'm happy I decided to buy it, I've spent hours upon hours looking it over with a magnifying glass, and can you tell me why the Jews made mosaics? Zack looked close at the inlay said: Well there are many ideas but nothing has been confirmed to my knowledge. Todd pointed to the inlay and told Zack he noticed a peculiar pattern in the inlay as it has thousands of small pieces with different colors, but if you count them they are not consistent for some reason, as a whole it makes a beautiful mosaic, but why with such a intricate design would they not keep the colors in sequence? Zach looked closer for a few moments and said: Yes I see what you mean; one would miss that had they not of paid close attention, very interesting. Tommy (with a “don’t care” attitude) said: Tie a dollar to it and throw it in the lake, you can say you lost something. (Laughing out loud) Zack smiled at Tommy and replied: That is incredible Tommy you guys have no idea what you have do you? Tommy laughing said: Crap, the clown spent over 600.00 dollars on it and didn’t even know what it was. Todd smiled all the while. Zack said: He wouldn’t have got hurt, had he spent 6 thousand on it. Todd smiled even bigger responded: Please just tell me what the Hebrew writing inside says. Zack grabs a flashlight and magnifying glass to see as he didn’t even know there was any writing inside. Zack after reading the writing said: Let’s see let’s look this up" grabbing a laptop from his desk, he turned it on and did a search in the UNC database related to the writings he found, after about 15 minutes of chatter between Tommy and Todd about Zacks’ collection of antiques, Zack says: Ok this guy Ehud Shemer built this Halaka and his work with mosaics is world renowned, you've probably struck gold with this. Todd feeling overzealous replied: Alleluia, Zack can you tell me what you think it's worth? Zack said: Todd that’s really hard to say because in the right setting at the right auction, this thing could be literally worth millions. Tommy’s unclipped eyebrows flew up to a very high arch with the quickness. Then said: What did you say? (Looking at Todd) he said: Boy I told you the sun shines even on a peasant once and awhile. (They all break out in a laugh) Tommy continued gloating; I told you don’t let it get away when you were bidding on it’. Todd replied: I just liked the design I've never seen one of these, I had no clue what it was, nor the value. Zack replied: It's obvious that the guy didn’t know what it was, and you're lucky somebody that did know hadn’t run across it while it was up for bid. “This calls for a drink, boys”. Tommy said: You know I don’t drink anymore. Todd replied: Yea let’s do it. Zack asked: What will you have Todd? Todd replied: Whatever you're having.